A Mentor is a volunteer who:

💙 helps the personal, emotional and intellectual growth of the young person
💙 helps to build a positive self-esteem and a real appreciation of the world
💙 supports the child in difficult times
💙 orients him to the possibilities available
💙 gives him an example and guidance on the things that are important to him
💙 supports him in goal setting and realization of short and long term goals
💙 motivates and encourages growth in the youth’s chosen field of development
💙 assists in applying for or finding a job and first steps to an independent life

A Mentor is NOT:

🔴 a friend – a mentor is an authority for the young person who respects frameworks and boundaries while working with him

🔴 a tutor – mentors do not enter the role of teachers – each talent has a separate person for this

🔴 a parent – a mentor does not step into the role of a parent because this can be dangerous for all parties and it is a promise that will probably not be kept

🔴 a therapist – a mentor does not treat the participant psychologically – there are professionals for this task


The responsibilities of the Mentor are:

💛 to conduct a one-hour live meeting each week with the talent
💛 to conduct one consultation via zoom with the psychologist of the organization every month
💛 to prepare for the meeting with the talent very week
For example: research, ideas, suggestions, activities, answers to specific questions
💛 to accompany the young person to various events: concert, exhibition, seminar (if possible)
💛 to complete an electronic diary after each meeting
💛 to give timely feedback to the team and seek their help
💛 to explore opportunities suitable for the talent
For example: trainings, seminars, competitions, universities, etc.
💛 The good mentor is: patient, calm, level-headed, listening, understanding and supportive, non-judgmental, considerate, non-constructive, motivating

If you want to become a Mentor in the Program:

💜 Consider whether you can spare the time. Mentoring can be a long-term commitment (depending on the talent’s age and purpose, it could last from 1 to 5 years).

💜See if we are looking for a Mentor in your city. All our Mentors must be located in the city of the talent or have the ability to travel (if they are in a neighboring city). The Mentor can only be virtual, if we have explicitly mentioned it.

💜 Send us your CV (pdf format) and a cover letter to info@plushenomeche.org, in which you tell us about your motivation, expectations and why you think you would be a good Mentor.

💜 If you are suitable for the particular talent, we will invite you to a zoom interview with our psychologist.

💜 If we invite you to become a Mentor in the Program after the interview, you will go through a two-day training, along with the other new mentors.

💜 You must be over 25 years of age. Previous experience with disadvantaged youth is not required.

💜 Previous experience in the field of development of the young person for whom we are looking for a mentor is not a mandatory condition.


Anna Danielova

Tina Katreva

Valentina Stefanova

Galin Popov

Petya Nikolova

Ivan Katrev

Natalia Nedelcheva

Nina Hristova

Ludmila Krumova

Lachezar Michev

Lusina Terzian

Petya Boyukova

Elia Racheva

Donna Peevska

Desislava Nikolova

Grigor Nikolov

Silvia Stavreva

Silvia Neshkova

Silvia Tseneva

Anelia Atanasova

Ralitsa Valkova

Elina Pavlova

Boriana Yordanova



Mentoring in the “Hidden Talents of Bulgaria” Program is a voluntary, unpaid form of relationship between a mentor and a mentee under clearly established rules, goals,  frame and principles of interaction within the Mentoring Program. The Mentors in our Program go through specialized training, which aims to prepare them for working with the program participants and are supported by a psychologist throught their participation.


The Mentoring Program includes an entire team which work towards the implementation of both the goals of the Program and the individually set goals of each of the participants. For optimal results and compliance with the general rules of the Mentoring Program, the intended goals and action plan for their achievement are actively discussed with the team and the participants in the Program themselves

Being a mentor in ``The Hidden Talents of Bulgaria`` is an inspiration, a challenge and a responsibility! It brings me deep joy and satisfaction and I discovered new knowledge and skills.


Mentor of Danny

Being a mentor is a commitment! Helping someone who has dreams and the talent to make them happen, but doesn't have the means, takes dedication! The point is to believe in the person you are helping and in yourself!


Mentor of Polly and Galin

``...to see the happy look of a talent, with a difficult fate, to feel how much she trusts you and how important you are to her, to be a part of her growth, to witness how she overcomes her personal fears, is worth all the difficulties. I am growing as a person, walking this difficult path.”


Mentor of Minka